My training in education and as a counselor besides my qualifications and background in finance and auditing add more value to the work that I do as an SCA.
I am a Social Cohesion Advocate because of my keenness and involvement in developmental and community issues.
I am keen to see conditions and the most vulnerable communities being uplifted
Being Black, able to express myself in my mother tongue in a country with a proud unique heritage...
I dream of a more beautiful and cohesive South Africa.
South Africans need to learn to live together peacefully whilst enjoying and appreciating the beauty of the country that we have been endowed with.
We are a diverse, rainbow nation embracing a range of ethnic and social backgrounds. A country which prides itself of 12 official languages.
We come from the dark days of apartheid full of discrimination towards majority citizens- before April 1994 this country was racially divided with majority of people especially Blacks, disenfranchised.
We are heading and dreaming of a prosperous country both technologically and economically.
We wish to conduct ourselves as a country with high moral and social values.
We would like to be viewed as a prosperous and peace loving people of the world.
It is important that the different races hold and live together with love and respect.