My experience as an educator has equipped me in ensuring that I’m able to interact with the community at any level. Being a person with disability has empowered me in advancing the rights of persons with disability through advocacy work and interaction with government in all spheres. Being a director of a Non-Profit Organisation has broadened the scope of work within the community. Created an opportunity to Network with stakeholders both private and public sector. has in advocating on behalf of persons with disability and influence policy in the different stages. The interaction with Government in all level has equipped me to understand how they operate and how best to navigate best results for any desired programmes
The idea of a cohesive society free from discrimination and oppression has been part of my DNA. By being a Social Cohesion Advocate I would be able to assist the country in developing a philosophy of an inclusive and caring society. Demonstrating to citizens of the country that it takes ordinary individuals to achieve such a society.
The biggest change would be the inclusion of persons with disability in programs within the Department which would be integrated within the society that we are working towards. The inclusion of boys in the already existing programs of the girl child ensuring that we build an inclusive society.
My culture and my uniqueness as an individual. The fact that I continue working on social-cohesion and nation building which is a privilege.
That we live in country that upholds its Constitution and all the International treaties. To live in a country that has eliminated poverty and reduced inequality. Our economy would have grown in such a manner that will benefit all citizens. Disability would be integrated in such a manner that its normalized. Being able to implement the National Development Plan which if implemented well we will achieve the South Africa that we all dream of.
We need to implement our policies and effectively monitor and evaluate their impact on ordinary lives. Acknowledge that work that is done by ordinary citizens that positively on or in our communities. Acknowledge and amplify the synergy between the private sector and government by so doing you will achieve more as a country.
We are a very diverse nation that needs to accommodate our different cultures and find a way to coexist. Move away from our history.
We come from a difficult background that we cannot erase but rather embrace and apricate it. As it is the same pass that has ensured that we create an inclusive society.
We are heading to a society /country that is free from discrimination of any form and embraces diversity.
We wish to conduct ourselves mentors that can accommodate citizens despite their age, gender, nationally and background.
As advocates that want to implement change through our appointments. Working closely with the Department in achieving their objectives.
Through co-operation amongst the social cohesion advocates and department officials and also working closely with the Minister.