I am a Social Cohesion Advocate because I believe in Nation Building and I am a non-South African married to a South Africa.
More of a understanding of Poverty and Pan African Unity and education
I am African first then by my choice a south African, My uniqueness rest on the fact that I have studied in Europe, lived in most of Africa, worked in all 9 provinces and most importantly a proud Zulu Makoti
For SA to be more a part of the African Continent and that my children will never have to explain why they are sounding different “having an accent’
Get rid of the bad habits of Apartheid
Pan Africanism, African Unity, nation Building, GBV, Rural development
Work in progress
Pain, Trauma, resilience, determination …Work in progress
A country working on diversity…Work in progress
With a collective UBUNTU PRINCIPLES …Work in progress
More listening and wanting to genuinely understand